Goldfish Puffy Eyes
Drinking too much water before bed or being tired lately will cause puffy eyes. Drinking Job’s Tear beverage (薏仁水) will reduce water retention for the whole body. An unhealthy alternative is to drink black coffee. Many artistes drink this every morning to reduce face swelling quickly. I don’t recommend though!
An absurd idea is to add ice cubes into a basin of cold water and soak your face in. Immediate and effective results for a last minute resort!
I once heard of a recommendation that uses red tea bags to apply on the eyes to reduce puffiness. This is wrong because it causes skin allergy to the areas surrounding the eyes. In addition, I have tried this method before but it didn’t produce much effect.
For instant removal of eye bags, wrap few pieces of ice cubes in a towel to press onto eyes is the fastest natural way. Just don’t apply too much strength.
Youthful Looking Skin from Inside
If you’re someone who always has a poor diet or improper meals, there is only this much that even the best skincare regime can do.
Advice 1: Don’t smoke and drink
If you can’t quit, try to reduce. Try not to smoke or drink before bed and immediately when you wake up. Drinking can cause skin allergies easily. So drink moderately.
Advice 2: Eat as light as possible
As far as a proper diet is concerned, I advise everyone to eat as much veggies as possible. This is especially good for people with high levels of cholesterol and uric acid (尿酸). If you are an OL (Office Lady), eating vegetarian is highly recommendable. It will do wonders to your skin, mood and overall well-being. In order to build up strength, try drinking a glass of warm soybean milk with a raw egg every morning.
Flawless Skin is the Best
Freckles and brown spots are easy to remove but liver spots (肝斑) and spots that you were naturally born with will remain with you forever! Freckles and brown spots on the skin surface can be remedied by facial masks.
I strongly recommend SK-II Whitening Source Clearspots (SKⅡ的集中淡斑水凝膜). With daily use on the more serious areas, the spots get remarkably lighten day by day. Doing IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) treatments also bring on remarkable results.
Liver spots and naturally born spots can never be removed, unless you go for laser treatments. However the laser targeted areas cannot be exposed to sunlight and makeup after treatment. Worst still, there is a chance of the same spots re-appearing a few months down the road. Hence I suggest you to just apply facial masks regularly hopefully they will fade to a lighter shade.
Fight against Pimples
You are lucky when your pimple develops white pus. You can then squeeze it clean without harming your skin. However for dark acne (暗疮), I suggest you to visit the doctor for fear of squeezing it yourself will leave an unsightly scar!
Tip 1: Acne patch
If you have a huge fiery red pimple that is painful when pressed, stick a patch of SALONPAS acne patch on the troubled spot while at home and it will gradually disappear. It is useful for people with an occasional breakout, but not suitable for long term sufferers.
Tip 2: Anti-blemish facial mask
Before sleep, apply this mask called e-do除痘面膜 (available in Taiwan) for 1 to 2 hours to a maximum of one whole night. I have once witnessed a friend’s amazing skin transformation after using this mask over a period of time!
Tip 3: Tea Tree Oil
This combats pimples effectively with its medicated properties. You must first dilute it before applying on pimple with a cotton bud. I use AROMABAY essential oil.
Tip 4: See a doctor
Besides face, your back may also suffer from pimple breakouts. When this happens, it is a sign that you’re facing a health problem, it may be a process of internal secretion of endocrine glands for example (内分泌). Please visit the doctor.